in-home care


How Much Do Caregivers Make In Each State?

If you’re a professional caregiver, knowing your area’s average pay rate helps ensure you are paid fairly. Similarly, seniors or their families looking for a professional caregiver can ensure they offer competitive payments. So how much do caregivers make?

In-Home Care FAQs Featured Image

In-Home Care FAQs

If you’re in the process of finding in-home care for a loved one, you know how time-consuming and involved it can be. To help you, here are answers to frequently asked questions about in-home care, plus specific questions about in-home services from MeetCaregivers.

Helping Your Parent Prep For Aging In Place Featured Image

How To Prepare Your Parent For Aging In Place

Like any other type of long-term care, aging in place requires a significant amount of preparation and organizing. Of course, this is sometimes easier said than done since you can’t always anticipate unexpected medical events or health conditions. But for your parents to enjoy the full benefits that aging in place brings, your family must carefully plan for their current and future needs.


How To Become A Licensed Caregiver In Massachusetts

Whether you’re exploring the field of caregiving or have several years of experience, caregiver training and certification is essential to your professional development. With that in mind, here are a few things you should know about how to become a licensed caregiver in Massachusetts.

Aging In Place Remodeling Featured Image

Aging In Place Remodeling Checklist

Aging in place remodeling supports seniors’ independence while giving their families peace of mind. If you or a loved one is considering aging in place, you can do a few things to promote safety, security, and comfort. Here are some ideas to get you started.

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